eppy bezday to ME...!!!!

yes cik zaie...huhuhuuu...bf aku, wahaaa...bestfrend r...tnx 4 ice-cream, prezen n bwk jln2..heheee..
tnx gak tok abg man n baby rizq yg kedek...huhuhu send pic n bezday wish..huhuhu satunyer abg yg ingt..huh..teharu lak...eheeeeeee...
tnx nuar dtg dr nilai tuk anto prezen tuk aku....huuu...betuah tul aku nih..ahakz!! rmi upernyer yg syg kt aku...ikhlas ni aku ckp...(aku x syg korg) wahahahaaa...kiddings!
yea...!! dpt kek gak...huhuhuuu my favoroute blue berries....!! yeh yeh..huhuhuuu.. tnx adeq syah n zahar yg sponsor..ahakz!
one of the most precious moment ever...glad to have both angel's by my side..tnx adeq2 huhuhu.. "sometime two is better then one." =)
unwrapped prezen!! besh sgt2...huhuhuuu...
ni adiah2 comey selepas dibukak huhuhuuu...da mcm zoo kt bilik..ahakz..mmg comey...tnx guys..
tnx to fwen yg bg prezen rituh...mmg besh giler...tnx to mak ayah, ibu abah, zahar, nuar, syah, fathi, akem green, zaie, zaff, echa, kema n the rest of blessed fwenz..huhuhuuuu...
wahaha...sekali lg merayap ngn member2 gempak aku kt MID besh giler....soping lg mcm org x sedar diri then mkn x henti2...biler blik tuh sumer da kering...wahahaha..tp jln2 mmg seronok.. lgpun ssh nak dpt pluang mcm nih..cuti pon x samer..mid still in xmass mood so view masih gempak...this pic taken few days b4 my bezday..!!


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