just like what they said..

hidup nih bkn sesuatu yg mudah..
but how we manage to complete THE life..
is the most important topic..

org selalu ckp..
"jalan menuju kebahagiaan"
that was hell wrong!
the truth is..
what ever we have to face in this world..
is the reason why we feel happy..
learn and accept each faith that written in our fast life lane..

lg satu fact yg salah..
"harap dpt bersama someone yg ley wat kite happy"
kite yg perlu happy even without THAT someone..
klu ader yg dtg n wat kiter happy..
that is a Bonus!

happiness ttp akn dtg..
masa kite x mengharapkn apa2 pon..
da putus asa..
dia akn ada..
selagi mana kita percaya..
hidup ini indah..

terima kasih untuk selalu ada =)


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