da sgt lame x update tok seribu bintang..
agak bz cecuti nih..
to much thing i hope to work on..
n some part are already done..
so here u go..
kerana seribu bintang..

mak n ayah..
yg sentiasa ada sokong aku dari dulu..
sampi sekarang..
mak n ayah selalu x sht skrg nih..
biler ada masa lpk sesamer..
serunuk sgt..
hrp tuhan akn pnjgkn umo kiter sumer..
dan harungi hari yg mndatang dgn lbh bek..

my sis..
kak long n ma..
xder saper yg dpt gnti tmpt dia org nih..
after going through hard time for years..
kami jd makin mtg n lbh memahami..
x kire aper pon yg jd..
they still the best sibling i eva had..

ibu n abah..
x kire jauh mana..
ibu n abah mesti akn dtg jumpa kiteorg kt cnie..
dgr masalah..
share cerita..
just like we always did when we were kids..
nothing change..
just now we were much more closer..
tnx for always being here..

adik syah..
lps bertaun dia hilang..
aku x sgka dia akn ingt kt aku n family lg..
bila dia dtg tgok mak sakit rituh..
rasa serunuk sgt..
even though he changed a bit..
dia ttp adik aku..yg org len xkn phm..
x sangka dia still pki cincin yg aku tmph tuk dia dulu..
tnx dik sbb dtg semula..

adik usein..
siyes windu masa2 mcm nih..
tempura mutantur etnos mutammur in illis..
so did he..changed..
nothing wrong with it..
cume mengharap yg dia xkn ilang dari idop aku..
abg doakn kamo sentiasa eppi ngn sape2 pon yg kamu pilih..
tnx dik sbb bnyk ajar abg hargai idop nih..
i will neva forget that night when he said..
"sy ada abg sorg jer"

fifie n nanad...
kwn bek aku kt kls..
bnyk yg dieorg tolong dr awal2 knl dlu..
tnx sebab sudi kwn ngn aku..
walaupon rmi yg ckp aku terok..
n sowi sgt2 klu kdg2 aku wat korang annoyed..
im just love to be different..
this is me..
n thanks for accepting the way i am..

one of my best frnd..
jarang ada kt kolej..
tp selalu ada kt mid..
die jenis yg eppy go lucky..
yg ley sembunyi apa yg dia rasa dr org len..
siyes mmg best klu dpt jd die..
tnx sbb sentiasa ada biler aku boring..
tnx for those cute gifts..
next sem lpk sesamer lg k..

best frnd aku gak dr form 6 dulu..
walaupon dia da sgt bz sekarang..
dia still ada masa tok tanye kaba aku..
watkn craft for my birthday..
n he do a lot of great things for me since we 1st met..
kwn yg sgt baek..
x kire jaoh mane pon..
dia xpernah lpkn aku..
tnx nuar!

dak kecik nih aku bru lg knl..
aku jumpa dia masa aku tol2 perlukn kwn tmn aku lpk..
tmn aku borak..
tmn aku mkn..
even that he was way younger then i am..
otak die lbh kurang samer jer ngn aku..
lps terjumpa kali pertama dlu..
siyes aku x sangka akn jmpa dia lg..
tp malangnyer mmg jumpa..
tnx bro selalu semak2 kt de' qaseh ngn aku..

dak busuk nih plak bru wujud..
tp siyes sgt serunuk knl ngn die..
we share same gift..
love craft..but i guess he did soo much better then me..
masa aku rindu adik2 aku..n sorg pon x msg aku..
die selalu ada..
kdg2 wat aku marah gak..
tp for god sake..die gak yg wat aku eppy..

bad n sob..
the best room mate eva!
walaupon kdg2 aku ngamok tetibe..
dieorg still ok ngn aku...
siyes dieorg bnyk tlg aku dari awal2 lg..
serunuk giler biler dpt lpk sesamer..
im hoping that for upcoming semester..
we gonna be much comfort with each other behavior..

yeah party friend..huhuaaa~
walaupon die x berapa betol..
tp die still kwn yg sgt baek pd aku..
we share our problem..
bertuka idea..
n lpk kt tmpt yg aku siyes suker sgt lpk..
tnx bnyk da blnja aku..
nnt blnja lg k..=p

rmi lg yg aku nak sebot kt cnie..
tp mesti org akn busan sbb rmi sgt..
i just wanna said..
i really love u guys..
not because wat u guys did for me..
but wat u guys have make me be..
"a better person"
thanks to..
zaff-tqah-kwn2 bhrm-dhrm-
lectures-fb frnds
n sumer yg knl aku..

special thanks to mohsen..
yg sgt kerap wat aku ngamok..
tp atleast die selalu ada biler aku tgh emo..
im not using u as punch beg..
but i need to share my feelings..
n tnx for being there for me..

tnx to all stars..
i miss u much n love u more..<3

-yo seob iskandar-


  1. thanks iskandar.. coz willing my frens.. "trharu"..my name has a story is ur memoria.. :)


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