
in some ways life is a lil bit funny..
with all the jokes it gave us through years we faced..

kadang tersentak gak biler org tanyer pasal adik2 n abg2 aku..
mn diaorg da g..
apa yg da jadi..
for some is the only answer i could wave out with..

mungkin satu masa dulu..
aku ada untuk diaorg..
n sekarang masa untuk diaorg lak ada tuk org lain..
life is a simple twist..
here or there..
i wont be a matter..
as long the center of it will stay in the middle..

tipu klu x pernah rasa rindu..
bohong klu xnak jumpa lg..
mustahil untuk benci..
kadang2.. beralah untuk rindu lebih baik..

masa berubah..
yg muda kn dewasa..
yg dewasa akn berusia..
penuh dgn tanggungjawap..
siapa aku nak tentukan siapa untuk di ingati mereka..

even though i was just a small part in their life..
i believe i do wat eva it takes to make them feel better now..
it was a blessed to have them in my heart..

in a loving memory..

abg halim kasmuri, abg mahadhir ab.rahman, abg james, abg gary 
adik fath, izs, arip, syah, malek, alip, wahid, 
faiz, hafiz, jake, adam, fizz.

"nurakma yaacob"


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