x pernah berubah..

this post was exclusively wrote in memory of DBM..

after 3 years of waiting..
we finally get wat we have been dreaming for..
answer that we hope gonna change our near future..

years of waiting..
change every heart we met..
since day 1..
to the last bit of time..
for better?

siyes korg x pernah berubah..
still pentingkn diri sendiri..
aku x hrp sgt dpt lpk2 ngn korg mcm dulu..
by accepting that faith have its own match on u guys..
tp x perlu la over sgt..
this suppose to be our last gathering..
isnt it?

sartika embong...norainulfitri nordin..
still mcm dulu..
ckp lebih..
buat x reti..
da janji nak sabo tok amek pic sesamer..
tp biler da jmp family..
trus lupa diri..
korg da jmp family korg 2 ari lbh awal..
aku lgsung x jmp lg..
pon still ley tunggu..

pnt da aku sabo ngn korg..
biler aku ngamok..
sumer tarik muka..
klu mcm nih r kn..
bek xyah jumpa jer..
lg bagus..

kwn2 yg len plak..
mcm lps nih da xley jmp family lg..
sibuk ketengah ketepi..

tnx pd sesaper yg stay rituh..
siyes da xder mood nak pose..
aku da out dr DBM group nyer page..
mls da nak cmpo ngn korg..
lps nih nak remove dr frnd list plak..

only God knows how i felt..
nyesal marah korg?
x pernah nyesal..
biar sedar ckt..
jgn rasa diri tuh bgus sgt..


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