i wish..i wish..i wishh....

i wish..
u wish..
we wish..
they wish..
if all the wishes would come true..
i bet no more tears will drop on this earth..
but God have his own way in giving bless..

sometimes i wish i could lend a hand..
do my part..
gave help to those who need me..
wrap my self up n donate for charity..

but life is not in our hand..
as faith took it place..
everything will work in better way..
i wish they were..

i really hope i could help him..
take out a lil burden off him..
thats why im rushing myself through times..
cant wait to start working..
help my beloved family..

i wish i could give everything my parents want..
grant all my lil sis dreams..
shove all my sis tears n shone her a better light..
built a better life for my lovely lil brother..
create spaces called love in my own life..

i wish i could kept my promises..
i want my sis, lil sis n lil brother to built their own life before i did..
no matter how long it takes..
how long to wait..
i will..
coz i dont need cars if no one to sit beside me..
i dont need house if no one going to fit in them..
i dont need gold n silver to sparks..
i just need them..

i love them more then i love myself..
i wish i could do more..
give more..
O' Allah..
spare me some more times..


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